Audio Commons: Digital transformation in the sound industry

This week in the Business Insights Lab, we’ll be finding out more about CoDE’s ongoing EU funded project on the Audio Commons. Dr David Plans, Dr Milosz Miszczynski and Dr Carla Bonina are hosting a session to discuss the development of business models in this area, with partners from the project and a few MBA […]

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CoDE on the Road: ‘Blockchain for Good’ at techUK

What is the role for Blockchain Technologies in helping address the world’s global challenges? How can NGOs, charities and other third sector organizations exploit and capitalise on the potential of Blockchain Technology to deliver on their social and environmental agendas? CoDE was delighted to sponsor ‘Blockchain for Good’ (B4G) recently at techUK. It was a […]

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Legacy: The chief nemesis of the Digital Future?

By Roger Camrass & Professor Alan W Brown   Wouldn’t it be great in our working lives if we could just wipe the slate clear every few months and start again afresh? No unfinished tasks. Farewell to endless inboxes with messages we’ve been meaning to deal with for far too long. Undo poor decisions with […]

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Dystopia and Digital Technology: An urgent message from 1968

Reading ‘The Crowdsourcing Scam’  recently was an unsettling reminder of the very real and present tensions in the relationship between individual, technology, and government. The menacing dystopian threat implied in the pervasiveness of digital technology is something most of us are certain we’re immune to – after all, we’re the ones with our fingers on […]

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