The Game is On: Making friends with Blockchain

For everyone who’s always wanted to know more about Blockchain but was always literally terrified to ask – we bring you the Blockchain Game, developed as an output for the RCUK grant CREDIT: Cryptocurrency Effects in Digital Transformations (EP/N015525/1). The CREDIT project is led by CoDE’s Professor Roger Maull, and features CoDE co-investigators Dr David […]

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‘An In-Depth Study of the Bathroom’: IoT and the reverse supply chain

CoDE has contributed to a significant study on ‘Operationalising IoT for reverse supply: the development of use-visibility measures’ in the international journal Supply Chain Management. Funding was contributed by the Research Council (UK) Digital Economy to the H.A.T project (, and by the Academy of Finland. The study uses an explorative case approach drawing on […]

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3 Reasons to Love Audiophotography

Based on a published interview for the Graphic Arts Magazine. Read the full article here. Guest blogger David Frohlich is an author and Professor of Interaction Design at the University of Surrey. He has contributed numerous studies and patents to the field of digital photography, augmented paper, and memorabilia in his fourteen years as a […]

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Audiophotography and Digital Media

“Knowledge-based innovation has the longest lead time of all innovations. There is, first, a long time span between the emergence of new knowledge and its becoming applicable to technology. And then there is another long period before the new technology turns into products, processes or services in the marketplace”, Drucker 1985, p98). Out in front […]

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Digital Innovation in Veterinary Medicine: CoDE, Zoetis and vHive

The recent revolutionary changes in data-management practices in livestock farming, driven by the continued intensification of livestock farming alongside the rapid expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT), is another example of how the rapid technological advances that characterise the Digital Economy are changing the face of another business sector. CoDE is as ever at […]

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Blockchain, Brexit, and Digital Governance

CoDE’s ‘man about Europe,’ Dr Phil Godsiff, reports that if it’s summer it must be Brussels. Phil attended a blockchain conference organised by the Cobden Centre, a free trade think tank, where he contributed as one of the experts at a Round Table convened by and for MEPs. He followed that up with a workshop […]

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CoDE and IBM: Changing relationships and IT

Rapid advances in technology are creating significant pressure on businesses and individuals to work in new ways to adapt their practices. While many of the changes in behaviour fit neatly into existing ways of working, some shifts are causing completely new paradigms and practices to emerge. The continual re-alignment of technology and business change is […]

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Journalism, Newsprint, and Digital Choices

The CoDE Research Seminar series concluded with a talk by John Mills, a PhD candidate here at Surrey, and a lecturer and researcher at UCLan. Some fascinating research – and an audience not shy about sharing their views – made for a thought-provoking exploration of journalism and the media in the Digital Economy. The emergent […]

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The Digital Media Space: Focusgroup+

Our latest CoDE-sponsored research seminar was courtesy of Prof David Frohlich of Surrey, and Digital World Research Centre. The Business Insights Lab hosted a small group of students and academics, and the seminar gave rise to some lively debate and rather robust questioning of the presenter. ‘New media innovation’ is an area of significant interest […]

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